
Storm Drain Filtration

Most storm water inlets are covered with a steel gate at street level.
Roberts Design, Inc.water inlets are covered with a steel gate at street level. Water from rain or melted snow enters the gate transporting contaminants directly into the water system. This problem led to a patented idea called the "Drop-In-Drain-Inceptor."

The Inceptor is designed to be suspended beneath the steel gate. As water flows into the storm drain, it passes through a polyester fiber filter that allows the contaminants to be captured without affecting the hydrology. The inevitable debris, such as leaves, also flow. Simple design allows it to be fitted to any type of inlet grate - modern or old.

Service is required only two times per year under normal weather conditions. The grate is simply lifted from its docking station and fitted with a new filter medium. In most states, the used filter can be disposed of in the typical hazardous waste removal process of the company.

<%=company%>, 333 Beaumont Road, Devon, PA 19333. Tel: 877-OUR-PIPE; Fax: 610-687-6327