
Fuzzy Filter

Source: Schreiber

Schreiber’s Fuzzy Filter is a unique compressible media filter that very effectively replaces conventional media filtration and can be applied to a wide range of filtration applications in the industrial, municipal as well as commercial markets.

The key advantages of the Fuzzy Filter™ are that it can filter particles down to 4 micron with greater than 80% efficiency and can operate at hydraulic loading rates as high as 40-gpm/ft2. The high hydraulic loading rate translates to almost 80% savings in footprint as well as substantially reduced installed costs.

But the most unique feature of the Fuzzy Filter™ is its compressible media. The Fuzzy Filter™ media consists of 1.25” fiber balls that are made from a high grade polymer. The properties of this polymer fiber as well as the design of the media make the media highly compressible. The greater the compression on the media, the smaller the porosity of the media bed and the finer the particles that are removed by the filter. The required compression on the media bed is achieved by controlling the position of a moveable top plate via a PLC control system. No other filter currently on the market can offer this level of flexibility and reliability. The Fuzzy Filter™ media uses air as the main cleaning agent. Air scrubbing is a very effective cleaning method and it also helps to substantially reduce the overall waste generated per wash cycle. The media has a life of 10+ years. In some of our earliest installations the media lasted for 12 years or more. The simplicity of the Fuzzy Filter™ design makes O&M very simple. These and more features are the reason why the Fuzzy Filter™ has one of the lowest total ownership costs as compared to other similar filters currently on the market.