News | December 7, 2018

Removing Micro-Pollutants And Micro-Plastics With The Aquaporin Inside Technology

A solution for world oceans without micro-pollutants and micro-plastics is being tested.

Aquaporin A/S is partner in the EU project, BONUS CLEANWATER. The partnership aims for reducing the input of micro-polluntans and micro-plastics from wastewater led into the Baltic Sea. The key to success is exploring, developing and comparing innovative eco-technology approaches. The Aquaporin Inside Technology is now tested in pilot scale at Avedøre. A final solution is not limited to the Baltic Sea, world oceans can benefit too.

The Aquaporin Inside Forward Osmosis membranes are highly selective to micro-pollutants. The goal is to develop a full process to concentrate municipal wastewater effluent and produce a micro-pollutants-free effluent.

To achieve this, Aquaporin is heading a pilot-project at the BIOFOS Wastewater Treatment Plant in Avedøre. At the plant, Aquaporin has built a pilot system to demonstrate the membrane performance on site.

Project manager in Aquaporin, Sylvie Braekevelt elaborates on the first year of the project period: “During the first year, the Aquaporin Inside modules have shown excellent rejection of micropollutants and a minimum of 92% in our lab. Moreover, the water quality was found to be stable even at different and challenging conditions that can appear in large scale filtration plants.”

ylvie Braekevelt continues: “Since summer, we have taken the Aquaporin Inside membranes to our pilot system. We will now observe the stability of the system during several weeks or months, by either using our high-pressure draw recovery system or using the freely available seawater right next to the treatment plant.”

The Aquaporin Inside technology uses nature’s own channels for water treatment. Aquaporin is Water made by Nature.

Source: Aquaporin