Article | March 9, 2022

Register Today For The Newterra Webinar: The Ideal Oxidation Ditch Doesn't Use Rotors, Discs, Or Diffusers

Source: Newterra Corporation

Tuesday, March 29th - 2:00 PM EDT

Ideal for Greenfield.
Perfect for Retrofits.

Newterra’s Aire-O2 Tri-Oval design and Triton-based retrofit packages are the most capital and operating-cost efficient, and process-effective solutions for virtually any Oxidation Ditch.

The unique operational characteristics of the Aire-O2 solution produce an unbeatable combination of optimal hydraulic and aeration efficiency.

Independent testing and installations around the world show proof.


  • Significant capital & operating savings over legacy aeration and mixing solutions
  • Inspection & maintenance is simpler, and easier, than any other solution thanks to our superior form-factor
  • Optimal energy efficiency through unparalleled control of mixing and aeration
  • Incredible process flexibility supports your need whether it is basic BOD, TSS, and ammonia removal or more advanced BNR

The brush rotors and disc aerators that have dominated the past are outmoded and outshined by AireO2’s superior solution. We applied our forty years of wastewater experience and built the safest, quietest, most reliable, eco-friendly, and community-friendly solution in the world for the Oxidation Ditch application.

Whether you need our full system Tri-Oval, or to improve your existing infrastructure with our retrofit packages, join us to learn how you can save capital, save expense, and enjoy safer, lower maintenance, and more effective system.