Newsletter | June 19, 2024

06.19.24 -- Quattrone Develops Cost-Efficient Stormwater Network Solution For New Housing Complex In Florida


Quattrone Develops Cost-Efficient Stormwater Network Solution For New Housing Complex In Florida

In this case study, read about how using OpenFlows StormCAD saved $10,000 and avoided a potential six-month construction delay.

Preparing For Lead-Service-Line Inventory And Replacement Requirements

With all the new facets of the revised Lead and Copper Rule revisions (LCRR) — increased sampling requirements, lead service line (LSL) inventory and replacement, new communications requirements, and school/childcare-facility monitoring — any water utility that has not yet started making preparations is at risk of non-compliance now that the new rule has become law. Here are some factors to consider when reviewing LCRR requirements and conducting LSL inventories and replacements.

A 50-Year Partnership Leads To Successful HDD Installation Of 48-Inch AMERICAN SpiralWeld Pipe

When the Grand Strand Water and Sewer Authority engaged Ruby-Collins, Inc. to expand and upgrade its water and sewer system, Ruby-Collins President and CEO Scott Cline knew the job would be challenging – beginning with the project’s scale. A key feature in the upgrade was the installation of a 48-inch spiral-welded steel pipe water main that was coated in polyurethane and five miles long.

Henry County Water Authority Ensures Water Distribution Keeps Up With Increasing Demand From A Growing Population

To address the growing population and projected water demand over the next 30 Years, the Henry County Water Authority recently completed a master plan update that includes two booster pump stations – the Fairview booster pump station and the Southeastern booster pump station.

The City Of Fayetteville's Flood Resiliency In The Face Of Climate Change: Mapping 15 Watersheds

The city of Fayetteville, North Carolina has always had flooding issues, but it’s been getting worse as weather patterns have been changing. They were hit four years in a row by storms Matthew (2016), Irma (2017), Florence (2018), and Dorian (2019). 

Restrained Pipeline Design And Horizontal Bends

In the last forty years, a quiet revolution has occurred in our industry. This revolution is the result of new generations of joint restraint products that make it possible to quickly and safely restrain fittings at bends, dead ends, tees, valves, and reducers without the need for concrete thrust blocks or tie rods. These joint restraint products turn the pipeline into its own thrust block. The key to utilizing these new products is the understanding and proper application of the pipeline restraint design theory.


Godwin CD150S Dri-Prime Pump

The Godwin CD150S Dri-Prime pump is a versatile, general purpose dewatering pump designed for use in the industry’s most challenging construction, municipal, industrial and emergency response applications. 

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ORION Cellular LTE-M Endpoint

The ORION Cellular LTE-M endpoint is an evolution in AMI technology, strengthened by the Network as a Service (NaaS) approach. The innovative endpoint utilizes existing IoT (Internet of Things) cellular infrastructure to efficiently and securely accomplish two-way communication of meter reading data via the LTE-M cellular network.

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Badger Meter