
PRI-CEPT® Phosphorus Removal From Wastewater


When applied to plant influents, hydrogen peroxide destroys dissolved and/or total sulfide that otherwise scavenges Fe3+ added for CEPT and/or chemical phosphorus removal from wastewater. The foundational aspect of this PRI-TECH application (called PRI-CEPT) is that one lb of total sulfide theoretically consumes 3.5 lbs Fe3+ and thus represents an additional cost of $2 – 3 per lb influent sulfide.

Additionally, pre-oxidizing one lb of influent sulfide with hydrogen peroxide (as commonly done for headworks odor control) typically requires 1.2 – 1.5 lbs hydrogen peroxide and so represents a cost of $0.75 – 1.25 per lb influent sulfide. For a 10 MGD plant with 3.0 mg/L influent sulfide, this difference could produce savings of around $150,000 per yr, with the unavoidable side-benefit that odor control is improved (i.e., less dissolved sulfide in the clarifier influent/effluent).

An important secondary benefit of adding Fe to primary clarification is that the Fe captured into the settled solids goes to anaerobic digesters where it can control biogas H2S and struvite scaling.

Consequently, it is important that the PRI technology not deprive the digesters of this needed Fe. Key in this regard is the form in which the Fe is delivered to the digesters, and in particular, the ‘availability’ of that Fe to provide benefit.