Polyblend® Polymer Activation Systems
Since its 1972 introduction, our Polyblend® Series has become a world leader in automated polymer feed systems. Chemists will continue to refine existing polymers and develop new ones, just as they have for more than 35 years. Operators should demand a polymer feeder that can keep up with breakthroughs in polymer technology for years to come.
Today's Polyblend® polymer feeders are a family of engineered systems embodying decades of reliable field performance and the latest in polymer activation technology. Experience has shown that polymers require a special combination of mixing and aging in order to achieve full activation. Consequently, the equipment used to prepare a polymer solution must have both flexibility and design features based on solid fundamentals in order to provide the ideal mixing environment. With precise control of dosing rate, dilution level, mixing time, and applied energy, Polyblend® systems control the key polymer activation criteria of energy profile, aging and dilution to optimize polymer performance. Polyblend® polymer activation technology has the heritage and incorporated science to ensure operators, engineers, and chemical suppliers that today's liquid and dry polymers will provide maximum performance and value.