
Patient Services - Prosthetics (Hanger Upper Extremity Prosthetics Program)

The Hanger Upper Extremity Prosthetics Program (UEPP) focuses on the unique requirements of upper extremity patients
The Hanger Upper Extremity Prosthetics Program (UEPP) focuses on the unique requirements of upper extremity patients. This program consists of a nationwide network of highly trained and certified prosthetists. Years of specialized experience, combined with ongoing extensive training, allow the UEPP prosthetists to bring the very latest in technology and techniques to upper extremity patients.

Because the upper extremity level is such a small segment of the amputee population, very few prosthetists have a lot of experience in this specific area. Our national UEPP team is the exception. We consider each patient's lifestyle and then present an array of options that range from a conventional arm to advanced myoelectrics.

Selecting and learning to use a prosthesis is a major challenge. Our upper extremity team makes facing this challenge a little easier by working with each patient on their functional, psychological and occupational needs.

From the initial patient assessment through lifetime follow-up rehabilitation, the Hanger Upper Extremity Prosthetics Program provides a continuum of individualized care.

An upper extremity (arm) prosthesis may be fitted as early as three months of age or soon after the amputation to promote normal development. The terminal device (which operates in place of a hand) may vary depending on the child's age, type of amputation or specific functional needs.

The person born without an arm or hand, or who has lost an upper limb from trauma or disease, represents only a small segment of the amputee population. For this reason, few prosthetists have extensive experience working with the upper extremity amputee.

The specialized needs of upper extremity patients require a personal focus. These amputees have lost a sophisticated tool of daily life. That's why helping to restore function in people who do not have upper limbs is a primary goal.

Hanger Orthopedic Group, Inc., Two Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814-6100. Tel: 301-280-4531; Fax: 301-280-4652.