Nozzle Manifold Systems & Mixing Nozzles

Mazzei MTM Mixing Nozzles provide dynamic mixing under pressure, which results in great mass transfer. When used in conjunction with the patented Mazzei® Injector, these nozzles dramatically enhance system mixing and contacting performance. Mazzei nozzles allow the delivery of treatment gases to any depth — all within a compact design, with trouble-free operation and easy installation. Many models are available for various applications.
Mazzei MTM Mixing Nozzles Provide:
- Enhanced Gas/Liquid Interface Renewal
- Dynamic mixing under pressure yielding greater mass transfer
- Desired back pressure to the Mazzei Injector
- Delivery of treatment gases to any depth
- Compact design for trouble free operation and ease of installation
- Polypropylene (PP) construction for nozzles 3″ and larger
- Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) construction for nozzles 2″ and smaller
- Various models designed to match your application
MTM Mixing Nozzle Manifolds:
AirJection® Wastewater Aeration Systems are the efficient, low cost, quiet solution for wastewater problems. Wastewater is circulated through Mazzei Injectors creating a vacuum to draw air into the wastewater. The aerated process water is discharged back into the tank, basin, pond or lagoon through a Nozzle Manifold for additional oxygen transfer and mixing. AirJection Wastewater Aeration runs on low operating pressure, has low installation cost and has no maximum depth limitations.