News | November 7, 2014

New Approaches Could Facilitate More Efficient Monitoring Of Contaminants Of Emerging Concern In Surface Waters

Source: Water Environment Federation (WEF) - WEFTEC

New research published in the November 2014 issue of Water Environment Research (WER)—the popular journal published by the Water Environment Federation (WEF)— examines new approaches that could facilitate more efficient monitoring of contaminants of emerging concern in surface waters. The research, conducted by Minji Park, David Reckhow, Michael Lavine, Erik Rosenfeldt, Benjamin Stanford, and Mi-Hyun Park, is this month’s featured article in WER’s open-access program.

“Using cluster and principal component analyses, Park et al. investigated the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern, namely endocrine disrupting compounds such as herbicides, pharmaceuticals, and personal care products, in Lake Mead,” said WER Editor-in-Chief Tim Ellis. “The authors found that monthly, or even less frequent, sampling was sufficient to capture the occurrence of contaminants at specific locations that were under the influence of water resource recovery facilities. The cluster of contaminants was likely due to specific site characteristics such as hydrological conditions. With this approach, the authors were able to eliminate redundant sampling locations and minimize sampling intervals."

Formerly available to subscribers only, selected WER articles such as this one are available free to the public on a monthly basis through an open-access program. Click ( here to download the open access article, “Multivariate Analyses for Monitoring EDCs and PPCPs in a Lake Water.”

Published since 1928, WER features peer-reviewed research papers and research notes, as well as state-of-the-art and critical reviews on original, fundamental, and applied research in all scientific and technical areas related to water quality, pollution control, and management. Originally known as the Sewage Works Journal, WER is available in both print and online formats and receives approximately 300 new research submissions each year.

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About WEF
Founded in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 36,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. WEF members, Member Associations and staff proudly work to achieve our mission to provide bold leadership, champion innovation, connect water professionals, and leverage knowledge to support clean and safe water worldwide. For more information, visit

Source: Water Environment Federation (WEF) - WEFTEC