
Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABP) For Biological Treatment Of Wastewater With Sludge Minimization

Source: Aquarius Technologies Inc.

The MSABP™ (Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process) is an innovative and advanced proprietary process for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater based on spatial microorganism succession and trophic hydrobiont chains.

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Brochure: Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process (MSABP™) And Electro Catalytic Process (ELCAT™)

The MSABP™ (Multi-Stage Activated Biological Process) is an innovative and advanced proprietary process for biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater based on spatial microorganism succession and trophic hydrobiont chains. A sequence of one organism feeding the other is known as spatial succession or a food chain. A feeding stage within a food chain is also known as a trophic level. MSABP™ systems incorporate this spatial succession and food chain.

A spatially segregated trophic microorganism chain provides for conditions in which microbes are consumed by primary microorganisms while the later are consumed by higher organized vulture filtrators of different trophic levels. Such a spatial microorganism succession provides a high degree of biological wastewater treatment by means of aerobic and anaerobic destructor microorganisms.

This MSABP™ trophic-chain design leads to effective biological treatment of wastewater and a total consumption of waste activated sludge by primary microorganisms, with no need for waste sludge handling. The MSABP™ has been successfully implemented in numerous municipal and industrial biological wastewater treatment plants worldwide.