Guest Column | May 23, 2024

Industrial Water Treatment Solutions In Texas To Combat Water Scarcity

By Nick Nicholas

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In the heart of Texas, where water scarcity meets booming industries, a solution emerges. Let’s take a further look at industrial water treatment solutions in Texas.

Imagine a world where you could optimize a modular treatment system approach. No more one-size-fits-all solutions or sky-high costs. Texas industrial companies are diving into the world of modular water treatment, and they’re not looking back. This innovative technological approach is reshaping water management across the state, from industries of all types.

The Need For Innovative Water Treatment Solutions In Texas

Texas faces a growing demand for water resources, with the state’s population projected to increase by over 70% between 2020 and 2070. This surge in population, coupled with the impacts of climate change, is placing immense pressure on the state’s already strained water resources. Compounding the scarcity issue is the aging water infrastructure, a silent crisis beneath the surface.

Texas’ antiquated water systems lost an estimated 136 billion gallons of water in 2020 alone due to leaks, breaks, and contamination risks. Modernizing this infrastructure is crucial to ensure the efficient and safe delivery of water to Texans.

Challenges Faced by Industries

Texas industries face complex water challenges, such as the presence of emerging contaminants in oilfields’ produced water or industrial process water. Addressing these issues requires innovative wastewater treatment solutions that can effectively remove contaminants and ensure the safety of water resources.

In my experience, the need for advanced water treatment systems is more pressing than ever. Industries must adopt sustainable water management practices and invest in cutting-edge treatment technologies to tackle the growing water challenges in Texas. Effective water management is not just about securing adequate water supply; it’s also about ensuring the quality of that water.

Industrial wastewater, if not properly treated, can have devastating consequences for public health and the environment. This is where innovative wastewater treatment solutions come into play. By implementing advanced water and wastewater treatment systems, industries can not only meet their own water needs but also contribute to the overall sustainability of Texas’ water resources.

The stakes are high, and the time to act is now. Texas must prioritize the development and adoption of innovative water treatment solutions to secure a sustainable water future for its growing population and thriving industries.

Modular Water Treatment: A Game-Changer For Texas Industries

The sustainable modular water treatment approach is advancing industrial water treatment solutions in Texas. These systems are designed to be flexible, scalable, and cost-effective, making them an ideal solution for industries looking to optimize their water management practices and meet their ESG sustainability goals.

Benefits of Modular Water Treatment Systems

One of the key advantages of modular water treatment is its ability to be tailored to the specific needs of each industrial client. Whether it’s the energy sector dealing with produced water or the food and beverage industry requiring high-quality process water, modular systems can be customized to meet those unique requirements. These systems also offer significant cost savings compared to traditional, centralized treatment facilities. By treating water at the point of use, industries can reduce the costs associated with transporting and disposing of wastewater. This decentralized approach also allows for more efficient use of water resources, as treated water can be easily reused or recycled on-site.

Scalability and Flexibility

Another major benefit of modular water treatment is its scalability. As industries grow and their water needs change, modular systems can be easily expanded or reconfigured to accommodate those changes. This flexibility is particularly valuable in Texas, where industrial growth is expected to continue in the coming years. Decentralized wastewater treatment systems, which are often modular in nature, are becoming increasingly popular in Texas. These systems are well-suited for remote locations or suburban areas with limited access to centralized infrastructure, making them a viable option for industries operating in rural and suburban parts of the state.

Improved Effluent Quality

Modular water treatment systems are also designed to produce high-quality effluent that meets or exceeds regulatory standards. By incorporating advanced treatment technologies like membrane filtration and reverse osmosis, these systems can effectively remove a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic compounds. This improved effluent quality not only helps industries comply with environmental regulations but also opens up new opportunities for water reuse and recycling.

Treated wastewater can be safely used for irrigation, cooling towers, or other industrial processes, reducing the demand for freshwater resources. The adoption of modular water treatment systems is a game-changer for Texas industries. By embracing this innovative technology, industries can not only secure a reliable and sustainable water supply but also contribute to the overall resilience of Texas’ water infrastructure.

Case Studies: Successful Implementation Of Industrial Water Treatment Solutions In Texas

The success of modular water treatment systems in Texas is not just theoretical; it’s been proven in real-world applications across various industries. From the oil and gas sector to food and beverage production, modular systems are making a tangible difference in the state’s water management landscape.

Energy Industry

The oil and gas industry in Texas, particularly in the Permian Basin, has been at the forefront of adopting modular water treatment solutions. With the increasing volume of produced water generated by hydraulic fracturing operations, the industry has turned to modular systems to manage this wastewater effectively.

One notable example is the use of mobile treatment units that can be deployed directly at well sites. These units, which often incorporate filtration and disinfection technologies, can treat produced water on-site, allowing for immediate reuse in drilling operations.

This decentralized approach has not only helped the industry reduce its freshwater consumption but also minimized the environmental impact of wastewater disposal. By treating produced water at the source, the industry has been able to significantly reduce the volume of wastewater being injected into disposal wells, which has been linked to increased seismic activity in the region.

Food and Beverage Industry

The food and beverage industry in Texas has also benefited from the adoption of modular water treatment systems. With strict regulations governing the quality of process water used in food and beverage production, companies have turned to modular systems to ensure consistent and reliable water supply.

One example is the use of modular reverse osmosis systems in beverage bottling plants. These systems can effectively remove dissolved solids and other impurities including TSS, nutrients and silica from the water with sustainable pretreatment technologies. This ensures that the treated water meets the high standards required for beverage production.

Modular systems have also been used in the dairy industry to treat tertiary wastewater generated by milk-processing operations. By incorporating anaerobic and aerobic digestion along with catalytic, electrochemical, and membrane technologies, these systems can effectively remove organic contaminants and nutrients from the wastewater. This practice allows for the safe discharge or non-potable reuse in cooling towers or irrigation applications.

Chemical Manufacturing

The chemical manufacturing industry in Texas has also seen success with the implementation of modular water treatment systems. With the need to manage complex and often hazardous wastewater streams, chemical plants have turned to modular systems for their flexibility and effectiveness.

One example is the use of modular activated carbon systems and catalytic systems to separate and absorb organic contaminants from wastewater. These systems can be easily integrated into existing treatment processes and can be scaled up or down depending on the volume of wastewater being treated.

Specific modular systems have also been used to treat wastewater contaminated with trace heavy metals and other toxic substances such as hexavalent chromium. By incorporating advanced oxidation processes, electrochemical technologies with sustainable flocculation, and catalytic technologies, these systems can effectively remove these contaminants. This ensures safe discharge or reuse of the treated water meeting your company’s sustainability goals.

The successful implementation of modular water treatment systems in these industries demonstrates the versatility and effectiveness of this technology. As more industries in Texas recognize the benefits of modular systems, we can expect to see widespread adoption across the state, leading to a more sustainable and resilient water future for all.

Advanced Treatment Technologies In Modular Water Systems

When it comes to ensuring clean, safe water, advanced treatment technologies are a game-changer. Especially in modular water systems, which are becoming increasingly popular in Texas and beyond.

With these advanced approaches, treatments can be laser-focused and super-efficient. Plus, they’re adaptable to fit the distinct needs of different communities and industries like a glove. The coolest part? They can be rolled out in a way that’s decentralized and easily scalable, which is perfect for rural areas or populations that are booming.

Membrane Filtration

One of the most exciting advancements in tertiary water treatment is membrane filtration. This technology uses semi-permeable membranes to remove contaminants, producing high-quality water while optimizing waste. It’s like a super-powered sieve, trapping everything from bacteria to the smallest contaminants.

I’ve seen firsthand how effective membrane filtration can be, especially in areas concerned with clean water scarcity. In one industrial facility, a modular system using reverse osmosis membranes was able to provide the process water requirements needed using brackish deep well water saving the fresh water for communities.

Advanced Oxidation Processes

Another cutting-edge treatment method is advanced oxidation processes (AOPs). These use powerful oxidants, like ozone or hydrogen peroxide or liquid oxidant technologies like Genclean, to break down even the most stubborn contaminants. It’s like sending in a team of microscopic cleaners to scrub the water clean.

AOPs are the unsung heroes of water treatment, especially when dealing with high levels of organic pollutants like pesticides or pharmaceuticals. But they don’t work alone — team them up with other catalysts and you’ve got a comprehensive tertiary treatment solution that guarantees water safety and quality.

Biological Treatment

When it comes to organic waste and nutrients, biological treatment can be an effective integrated solution. Microorganisms and the enzymes they produce are the unsung heroes here, working tirelessly to break down pollutants in a process that’s not unlike what happens naturally in rivers and streams.

Coupled with other sustainable technologies such as bio-organic flocculants, catalytic systems, and membrane filtration, they can treat organic wastewater with ease. With the addition of post polishing AOP systems for removing chemical contaminants, biological treatment can be a crucial piece of the water remediation puzzle.

As we navigate the challenges of tomorrow, modular water treatment stands ready to meet the evolving needs of Texas industries. By embracing these cutting-edge systems, we not only secure a sustainable water future but also pave the way for economic prosperity and environmental stewardship.

Join us in harnessing the power of modular water treatment to shape a brighter, more resilient future for Texas. Together, let’s raise a toast to innovation, sustainability, and the boundless possibilities of clean water for all.

Picture this: an industrial facility in Texas, struggling with contaminated water. Enter advanced treatment technologies. By mixing and matching these cutting-edge solutions, we can create an optimized plan that fits your companies’ specific needs like a glove. And with the adaptability and versatility of modular systems, clean water can flow through your company in no time, without draining the budget.

Ensuring Sustainable Water Management With Modular Solutions

Picture this: Texas, a state known for its big sky and even bigger water challenges. Droughts that drag on for months, pipes that are more patches than original parts. But there’s a new sheriff in town — modular solutions. These nimble systems can roll with the punches, helping industrial facilities conserve water, trim energy use, and keep public health on the up and up. It’s sustainable water management for the modern age, and it’s just what Texas needs to wrangle its water woes.

Water Conservation

Want to save water? Modular water systems are the way to go. These clever setups treat and reuse wastewater onsite, which means less demand on our precious freshwater resources. Plus, integrating sustainable treatment technologies with post membrane polishing systems the water they produce is so clean you can use it for just about anything — from growing plants to running industrial processes.

In fact, a recent study found that decentralized wastewater treatment systems can reduce water consumption by up to 50% compared to discharging to centralized systems. That’s a huge potential savings, especially in areas like Texas where water scarcity is a growing concern.

Energy Efficiency

Another crucial element of sustainable water management? Energy efficiency. Modular systems are the MVP here, using advanced technologies and optimized processes to minimize energy consumption and reduce operational costs.

For example, some modular systems can utilize hybrid power sources reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. Others use energy-efficient pumps, diffusers, and blowers to minimize power consumption. And with the ability to monitor and control these systems remotely, operators can optimize performance and catch any issues before they become critical.

Remote Monitoring and Control

Advanced sensors and communication technologies in modular systems provide real-time data on water quality and flow rates. This allows operators to stay informed and respond rapidly to changes or issues, making remote monitoring and control a breeze.

Remote monitoring also enables predictive maintenance, which can help extend the life of equipment and reduce downtime. By analyzing data trends and identifying potential problems before they occur, operators can schedule maintenance proactively and avoid costly repairs or replacements.

Communities in Texas and elsewhere can benefit greatly from modular water systems. These systems offer a powerful tool for sustainable water management by promoting water conservation, increasing energy efficiency, and allowing for remote monitoring and control — all of which contribute to protecting the environment and public health.

I’ve worked with these systems for a long time, and I can vouch for how well they work and how dependable they are. With the mounting difficulties Texas is facing regarding its water resources, I think modular solutions will be more and more important in making sure the state has a sustainable water future.


In the dynamic landscape of Texas, where water scarcity and industrial growth intersect, Modular Water Treatment emerges as a beacon of hope. With its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, this innovative approach heralds a new era in industrial water treatment solutions in Texas, across the country and around the world.

As we navigate the challenges of tomorrow, modular water treatment stands ready to meet the evolving needs of Texas industries. By embracing these cutting-edge systems, we not only secure a sustainable water future but also pave the way for economic prosperity and environmental stewardship.

Nick Nicholas is the Technical Director for Genesis Water Technologies, Inc, a global leader in integrated solutions for drinking water and wastewater treatment. In this role and previous roles with GWT, he has coordinated and led a global team of technical professionals in designing, engineering, and building treatment system solutions for industrial, commercial, and water utility clients worldwide.