With MaaS, municipalities can redirect their focus and their budget from meter-related concerns to more critical issues. The inventory-managed program eliminates utility concerns over meter maintenance, installation, and uptime. It also helps to stem non-revenue water losses and to transition metering practices from reactive to proactive.
AMI delivers advanced capabilities, namely the power to collect frequent, accurate water usage data. This data, in turn, helps automate billing and leak detection. Utilities that have transitioned to AMI benefit from increased revenue, reduced risk, improved customer relations, and widespread efficiencies across operations.
Whatever number a utility estimates as its non-revenue-water loss rate, the willingness to address it is often inversely proportional to the cost of doing so. Now, leak detection options that include acoustic monitoring as a built-in feature of residential water meter replacement are cutting the costs and complexity of identifying NRW losses and recapturing lost revenues.
Join the Kamstrup product team as they delve into the features and benefits of Kamstrup’s dynamic communications portfolio. Explore how these meters not only simplify AMI deployment but also empower utilities by actively listening for and locating leaks, thereby enhancing overall operational efficiency and reducing loss.
In this episode of The Water Online Show: The Business Of Water, Travis Kennedy sits down with Joe Ball from Kamstrup. Travis and Joe discuss the evolution of AMI, and explore Kamstrup's groundbreaking leak detection tool, which is the industry's first smart meter with acoustic leak detection embedded inside the meter.
flowIQ 2200
Electronic ultrasonic cold water meter for measurement of cold water consumption in households, multi-unit buildings and industry.
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flowIQ 3200
Electronic ultrasonic cold water meter for measurement of cold water consumption in households, multi-unit buildings and industry.
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flowIQ 4200
flowIQ® 4200 is a hermetically sealed water meter intended for measurement of cold water consumption in multi-unit buildings, commercial applications and industry.
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