News | August 31, 2017

Bureau Of Reclamation Awards $3.62M For Desalination And Water Purification Research In 13 States

Washington, D.C (PRWEB) - Bureau of Reclamation Acting Commissioner Alan Mikkelsen announced today that Reclamation will provide $3.62 million to conduct laboratory and pilot-scale desalination and water purification research in 13 states.

Sixteen laboratory projects, four new pilot-scale projects and one continuing pilot-scale project were selected. The $3.62 million in federal funding is being matched by $3.52 million in non-federal funds.

"Desalination and water treatment provide a potential new source of water for communities throughout the West," Mikkelsen said. "The research funding provided today will enable new technologies to be studied to see if they can help improve the treatment of water."

The Desalination and Water Purification Research Program is helping Reclamation and its partners confront widening imbalances between supply and demand in basins throughout the Western United States through testing and development of new advanced water treatment technologies.

The DWPR Program focuses on three main goals: (1) augment the supply of usable water in the United States; (2) understand the environmental impacts of desalination and develop approaches to minimize these impacts relative to other water supply alternatives; (3) develop approaches to lower the financial costs of desalination so that it is an attractive option relative to other alternatives in locations where traditional sources of water are inadequate.

The laboratory projects in the following list are bench-scale studies that are completed within one year. Pilot-scale studies are bigger and are completed within two years. For more complete descriptions of the projects, see

Laboratory-Scale Projects

Orange County Water District; Reclamation Funding: $149,894, non-federal Funding: $539,747

Yale University; Reclamation Funding: $150,000, non-federal Funding: $39,236

University of Connecticut; Reclamation Funding: $149,965, non-federal Funding: $16,560

University of South Florida; Reclamation Funding: $150,000, non-federal Funding: $0

University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.; Reclamation Funding: $54,802, non-federal Funding: $54,802

Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Reclamation Funding: $150,000, non-federal Funding: $0

Northeastern University; Reclamation Funding: $150,000, non-federal Funding: $5,000

University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Reclamation Funding: $147,217, non-federal Funding: $0

New Mexico
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology; Reclamation Funding: $148,704, non-federal Funding: $73,242

New York
Research Foundation for the State University of New York; Reclamation Funding: $150,000,
non-federal Funding: $37,503

North Carolina
University of North Carolina; Reclamation Funding: $144,438, non-federal Funding: $0

University of Tulsa; Reclamation Funding: $144,396, non-federal Funding: $0

Saint Francis University; Reclamation Funding: $133,519, non-federal Funding: $0

GreenBlu, LLC; Reclamation Funding: $149,994, non-federal Funding: $149,998

Texas Tech University; Reclamation Funding: $144,696, non-federal Funding: $0

University of Wyoming; Reclamation Funding: $148,880, non-federal Funding: $0

Pilot-Scale Testing

Orange County Water District; Reclamation Funding: $249,966, non-federal Funding: $766,682

Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles; Reclamation Funding: $299,062,
non-federal Funding: $300,000

Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Reclamation Funding: $199,000;
non-federal Funding: $200,000

New Mexico
Regents of New Mexico State University; Reclamation Funding: $399,292;
non-federal Funding: $399,292

Second- Year Continuing Pilot Scale Project from fiscal year 2016

Eastern Municipal Water District; Reclamation Funding: $200,000; non-federal funding: $1,876,688

Source: PRWeb

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