Case Study

Case Study: BioCOPE Solves Grease And Odor Problems For Mission Viejo & Rancho Santa Fe, CA

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Santa Margarita Water District in the past had to use root cutters to cut the grease monthly in the 8-inch collection pipe and pump the lift station monthly. The Bridges had to pump monthly and had odor problems at the Country Club and the lift station and lines from the Country Club.

Both are treated with Biocope before the grease interceptor and in the line before the location where major odor complaints were reported. Neither has experienced any odor complaints from the grease interceptor, lift station or collection lines since the introduction of Biocope. The line at Santa Margarita is cleaned every 9 months with very little buildup from grease. The savings in pumping and cleaning has paid for Biocope's cost of treatment.

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