
New Technology Stretches Wastewater Infrastructure

Source: SUEZ – Water Technologies & Solutions

Population growth, stricter regulations, and increased energy costs continue to exert significant pressure on municipal wastewater operations. But rather than investing in tired, old solutions such as the construction of additional concrete tanks, water system managers are seeking new ways to stretch the limits of their infrastructure.

Technology is providing the answer.

For example, membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) systems are increasingly being installed in wastewater facilities. The biofilms in an MABR get direct access to oxygen that’s diffused through the membrane, so it is up to four times more efficient than conventional methods.

In this Water Talk interview at WEFTEC 2019, Jeff Peters, a senior product manager with SUEZ Water Technologies and Solutions, discusses how advanced technology such as MABR can help municipalities boost capacity, reduce energy consumption, and meet increasing permit requirements.