Coliform 649 -The Coliform Lottery

July 15, 2015 - Online event CA US


Overview: Although the use of coliforms as an indicator for water quality and safety has been recognized for >100 years, our reliance on coliform numbers as the primary indicator for water quality and safety is misguided. Our concept of water potability needs to be redefined, as does our reliance on traditional microbial indicators of potability. We need to consider other approaches. Why should you Attend: Learn why coliforms are now no longer considered as the primary indicator of water potability. Learn about other indicator organisms and how to interpret their detection. Learn about other approaches for monitoring potable water for drinking of industrial use. Areas Covered in the Session: Waterborne pathogens Contamination sources Indicator organisms Analytical methods Quantitative or Qualitative Compliance4All Adam Fleaming Phone: +1-800-447-9407 Event Link:

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