News | June 26, 2015

Water Environment Research Foundation Expands Stormwater Research

The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) has two new projects underway expanding on its stormwater research. The first project, Stream Restoration as a BMP (WERF1T13) seeks to develop a guidance document and consistent approach for regulatory agencies to use to assign pollutant reduction credits for stream restoration credits as a BMP. Assessment of the relevant data and information that already exists, along with establishing monitoring and data analyses protocols for new data collection, will help advance defensible science-based, water quality crediting guidance for stream restoration techniques. This new research will be conducted by Wright Water Engineers and builds upon a project they are currently working on entitled Stream Restoration: Crucial New BMP Database.

The next project is an effort being led by the Water Environment Federation to develop a framework for the formation of a national testing and evaluation program in the stormwater sector (INFR2R14). The project is being funded through a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) infrastructure grant administered by WERF, and is based upon WEF’s National Stormwater Testing and Evaluation for Products and Practices (STEPP) Initiative. A national program could reduce the burden on state and local governments, as well as open markets up to stormwater product manufacturers, leading to greater competition, an increase in innovation in the sector, and more cost-effective solutions for stormwater management.

About The Water Environment Research Foundation
The Water Environment Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed in 1989, is America's leading independent scientific research organization dedicated to wastewater and stormwater issues.

Source: The Water Environment Research Foundation