News | January 27, 2015

U.S. Aeration Energy Guzzlers Identified In Wastewater Report

U.S. aeration energy guzzlers identified in wastewater report

  • Just 4 percent of U.S. wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) account for 66 percent of national aeration energy consumption from conventional activated sludge
  • Significant market opportunity for low energy technology in large WWTPs
  • Passive aeration technologies can cut costs at smaller plants

A report into Low Energy Wastewater Treatment, compiled by BlueTech® Research, reveals that in the U.S. municipal WWTP market, two-thirds of the aeration energy consumption associated with conventional activated sludge (CAS) can be attributed to just 4 percent of the plants.

The largest WWTPs in the US — those in the 100,000 to 1 million population equivalent (PE) range — comprise just 4 percent of the total number of plants, but account for a large proportion of the aeration energy cost — approximately 66 percent. This equates to approximately US$946 million in annual electricity costs.

The smaller WWTPs — those in the 100 to 100,000 PE range — make up the vast majority of works, but account for a much smaller proportion of the aeration energy consumption. They represent 96 percent, by number, of the total 16,000 plants, however the associated estimated electricity aeration costs is approximately US$482 million.

BlueTech’s report highlights the potential for growth in the low energy treatment technologies market worldwide.

Paul O’Callaghan, Managing Director of BlueTech Research says, “These larger facilities represent a significant market opportunity for low energy technology implementation. They can also potentially capture the most energy in municipal wastewater in the U.S. for reuse.”

The report reveals that there is no ‘silver bullet’ technology available to provide a low energy alternative to CAS at the larger WWTPs, at least in the next 5 to 10 years. One innovative technology that shows promise in terms of offering a complete low energy alternative to CAS for effective biological treatment of municipal wastewater, is the staged anaerobic fluidized bed membrane bioreactor. This technology is currently at the pilot study stage and is unlikely to be commercially available in the next 5 to 10 years.

Enhanced primary treatment is a viable solution and offers a retrofit opportunity at the larger plants. While advanced primary treatment is not a replacement for activated sludge, it can reduce the energy consumption associated with biological treatment by diverting organics and increasing onsite energy generation.

However in most technology examples there is an associated additional cost when compared with conventional primary treatment. This can come through the use of polymers and/or coagulants or carbon sources for denitrification or extra energy costs, as in the case of the rotating batch sieves (RBS). The report says these costs need to be understood and considered in a whole life-cycle cost and plant energy analysis, prior to the implementation of new technologies.

Low energy passive aeration technologies are not currently a viable option for larger scale facilities, however they can cut costs and energy consumption at smaller capacity plants. Approximately 75 percent of the smaller plants account for 7 percent of the aeration costs associated with CAS, a market worth approximately US$100 million.

BlueTech reports BlueTech® reports provide detailed insights and analysis on key market segments, technology areas and companies in the water space. This Insight Report will be of interest to:

  • Investors looking to understand the market opportunity for low energy biological treatment and related technologies
  • Water industry executives looking to establish a competitive advantage and inform strategic moves in this market segment
  • Technology providers looking for technology gaps and unmet needs
  • Consultants, policymakers and regulators looking to stay on top of the latest market trends and the state of technological innovation in low energy biological wastewater treatment.

Learn more about this BlueTech® Insight Report and archived Insight Reports at:

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BlueTech® Research provides investors, water companies, researchers and regulators with the latest information at their fingertips. The company provides clarity and critical analysis on emerging water technology market areas.

BlueTech Research maps and analyses the water technology innovation landscape. The company is focused on what is changing and how new approaches, new technologies and new needs are reshaping the water technology market.

Source: BlueTech Research