
SAC (Strong Acid Cation) Series Softeners

Source: Veolia Water Technologies

The softening train consists of a primary softener followed by a polishing softener

The softening train consists of a primary softener followed by a polishing softener. The brine used for regeneration is introduced upflow in the polisher in a concentrated form and then diluted after the polisher to be introduced downflow through the primary softener. Using this technique, the polisher is regenerated with all of the salt required for the larger primary and the polisher meaning that the salt dosage it sees could be in the range of 50 lbs/ft3. The TDS is usually quite high and this high salt dosage is required to achieve hardness levels of 1 ppm.

Brine regenerated series softeners for hardness removal from produced water in oil production. The units are regenerated with high concentration brine upflow to minimize the hardness residual after softening and prevent scaling in the steam generator for steam injection in oil fields.



Materials of Construction: Coated Carbon Stainless Steel
Maximum Flow: 2,000 GPM
Maximum Pressure: 150 PSI
Minimum Flow 60 GPM
Minimum Pressure: 50 PSI