Newsletter | April 24, 2024

04.24.24 -- Looking Towards Solutions For Water Scarcity And Tightening Budgets

Using Electromagnetic Flowmeters For Better Management Of Produced Water

The oil and gas industry is adopting electromagnetic flowmeters, or magmeters, to manage produced water. These smart devices offer accuracy, reliability, and self-monitoring capabilities, improving operational efficiency and sustainability.

How To Ensure Accurate Reporting Data For Deep Well Injection

For decades, differential pressure (DP) meters were the industry standard for deep well injection of municipal and certain industrial wastewater. However, many facilities are coming to realize the value of using electromagnetic flowmeters (mag meters). Mag meters offer more accurate and consistent measurement of fluids with less maintenance.

How Can Closed Pipe Flow Measurement Reduce The Risk Of Surcharging?

When a sewer system reaches max capacity due to inflow, infiltration, or any other reason, it can cause surcharging. This article will cover the various types of open and closed pipe flow meters and how they can be used to prevent surcharging.

Achieving Level Pressure At Challenging Points In Distribution Systems

When drinking water leaves a treatment plant through giant pipes, with the help of huge pumps, the pressure can exceed 200 psi. The high pressure is a necessity because water must travel a long distance in some cases. Water towers scattered throughout the distribution system aid in the process so it can reach all utility customers. The problem is that not all distribution points in a water system are created equal.