News | February 29, 2016

LG Sonic Introduces New Software For Accurate Water Quality Monitoring And Effective Algae Control

LG Sonic

LG Sonic introduces a user-friendly software, the MPC-View, to follow the water quality in lakes and reservoirs visually. The software receives its data from advanced water quality sensors that are integrated into the MPC-Buoy, a floating solar-powered system for control of algal blooms through ultrasound.

The MPC-Buoy contains detailed monitoring equipment to provide a complete overview of the water quality. Every 10 minutes, essential algae indicators (Chlorophyll-a, Phycocyanin, and Turbidity) and water quality parameters (Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Redox, pH, and Temperature) are collected. The monitored data is delivered in real-time through radio, GPRS, or 3G to the web-based software. Since the data is collected every 10 minutes, the software receives highly accurate water quality data. Customers can log into the software, where they will find a personal dashboard displaying an overview of their algae control projects. The software provides insight into the water quality, algae trends, and the progress of the ultrasonic treatment. Furthermore, the software displays technical parameters, such as the status of the ultrasonic transmitters, signal strength, and battery strength. This way, customers and employees of LG Sonic can monitor remotely to see whether the devices are working properly. Generated reports can be exported to Excel or converted to PDF, and from there they can be shared or published.

Dashboard with an overview of the algae control projects

Customers can log in to the software, where they can find a personal dashboard with an overview of their algae control projects.

Visual insight into various parameters at a specific moment in time

The software provides insight into the water quality, algae trends, and progress of the ultrasonic treatment. Furthermore, the software shows technical parameters, such as the status of the ultrasonic transmitters, signal strength and the battery strength.

Site maps with accurate GPS location of the installed systems

Geographically pinpoint the accurate location of the installed systems. The location, most recent data from each site, and the placement date of the devices are viewable in real-time via the MPC-View software.

Upload water quality reports to generate a complete overview of all relevant data

Users can easily upload their water quality data reports in the MPC-Buoy software. This way the software provides a complete overview of all relevant data.

Set up alarms for changing water conditions and maintenance activities

The software allows users to set up specific alarms to inform about changing parameters or maintenance activities. Users receive an e-mail notification when the alarm goes off.

Water quality monitoring for effective ultrasonic algae control

The MPC-Buoy is a floating solar-powered system that provides continuous online water quality monitoring to control algae through ultrasound. The system is designed to treat large water surfaces, such as drinking water reservoirs, wastewater lagoons, and recreational lakes. It contains detailed monitoring equipment that provides a complete overview of the water quality. Employees of LG Sonic receive water quality data, so they can verify the current status of the particular lake. Thus, they will be able to modify or activate the ultrasonic program based on the specific water conditions and the amount of algae present, so they can prevent new blooms. After a specific program is set up to target the algae, four ultrasonic transmitters are activated or optimized for 360° sound coverage. The algae are controlled through the use of ultrasonic pressure.

Source: LG Sonic