
High Flux Rates Reduce Energy Footprint Of Membrane Filtration

Source: PPG
High Flux Rates Reduce Energy Footprint Of Membrane Filtration

PPG Industries has spent the last four years developing and field testing a membrane-based filtration technology that has arrived in the market as both a flat sheet and a spiral on filter cartridge.

In this exclusive Water Online Radio interview, Lisa Walters, Segment Manager for PPG Industries, explains the unique benefits of the composite monolayer membrane. “It is manufactured by a different technique than other polymer membranes. This gives it some unique characteristics. One of those is very high flux rate, and we’re talking two to four times traditional polymers,” Walters explains. “You get the same separation, or better separation capabilities. It also has tremendous mechanical, chemical, and thermal durability. We can tailor the porosity really across the microfiltration range and the ultra-filtration range.”

Aside from removing dissolved and/or suspended solids, bacteria and other contaminants, the new membrane can remove not just free oils and greases but also emulsified oils and other emulsified products, like grey water.

To learn about the economic benefits of the membrane, and its back flow capabilities, listen here: