News | February 19, 2014

Cancer Epidemic And The Use Of Treated Water; The CBCD Highlights A Possible Link

A study published on November 30, 2013 in the journal Food and Environmental Virology found that “Treated sewage, when discharged into the environment, can … contain high levels of waterborne pathogenic viruses (1).” The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) reviews the report and highlights the link between cancer and treated water.

Rochester, NY (PRWEB) - Many people in developed nations drink treated water that originated human wastewater or sewage. For example, over 3 million people live in California’s Orange County, where a so-called "toilet to tap" system “is undergoing a $150 million expansion.” (See, from June 18, 2013) (2). Interestingly, cancer rates in California counties are higher than the national average. (See The National Cancer Institute, State Cancer Profiles, from 2010) (3).

The big question is “why?”

The reason according to Dr. Hanan Polansky’s discovery is the increase in number of latent viruses residing in most people.

Doctors and scientists believe that latent viruses are harmless, and are dangerous only when reactivated. That is, when they cause symptoms, such as infectious mononucleosis.

This is a misconception.

Health professionals may then ask “Why is this a misconception?” Or, more specifically, “How can a latent virus cause cancer?”

Latency is essential for the survival for the virus. Therefore, latency is widespread. “The natural history … strongly suggests that the virus would disappear or at least would be significantly less prevalent if it were not able to establish a latent, silent infection.” (See the Annual Review of Microbiology, from 2013) (4).

Doctors must begin to realize that during the latent phase, the virus is not dormant. It is still active.

During the latent phase, it continues to make viral proteins and replicate. For instance, researchers wrote that human ganglia, which were infected with the latent Varicella Zoster Virus, showed multiple VZV transcripts. “RT-PCR and in situ hybridization studies have identified multiple VZV transcripts in latently infected human ganglia. State-of-the-art multiplex PCR technology, capable of detecting all 68 annotated VZV gene transcripts, revealed transcription of at least 12 VZV genes during latency.” (See the journal Viruses, from September 4, 2013) (5).

In short, viruses produce their proteins while latent.

How can the production of viral proteins during latency cause cancer?

The following is a simplified explanation of the Theory of Microcompetition with Foreign DNA as described by Dr. Hanan Polansky.

Dr. Polansky discovered that foreign DNA fragments, called N-boxes, cause most major diseases. When the foreign N-boxes belong to a virus, microcompetition between the viral DNA and the human DNA can lead to the development of many major diseases, such as cancer, even when the virus is latent or the viral DNA is broken into pieces and cannot express proteins.

The Center recommends that doctors and other health professionals turn to Dr. Polansky’s book, “Microcompetition with Foreign DNA and the Origin of Chronic Disease” for a better understanding of the risks posed by latent viruses.

How is the rise in cancer related to drinking treated water?

A study recently found that “Treated sewage, when discharged into the environment, can … contain high levels of waterborne pathogenic viruses (1).” These viruses include oncogenic (cancer causing) Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) and Polyomaviruses (HPyVs) (1).

The reason these viruses remain in the treated water, is that “treatment systems remove only about 20 - 80% of enteric viruses, thus permitting their dissemination in the environment (1).”

Since water purification systems are not able to keep viruses out of the drinking water supply, these viruses end up infecting people. Therefore an increase in the consumption of treated water will increase the number of cancer cases. In support of this conclusion, Orange County, which is known for the largest water treatment system in the U.S. is also suffering from high rates of cancer.

The CBCD recommends that the government allocate funds toward researching the effect of treated water on the spread of latent viruses and cancer.

To learn more about Dr. Hanan Polansky’s research and the Theory of Microcompetition with Foreign DNA, visit:


(1) Oncogenic Papillomavirus and Polyomavirus in Water Environments: Is There a Potential for Waterborne Transmission? Published on November 30, 2013.

(2) Orange County’s Wastewater Purification System, World’s Largest, Expands. Published on June 18, 2013.

(3) National Cancer Institute - State Cancer Profiles. Published in 2010.

(4) An inquiry into the molecular basis of HSV latency and reactivation. Published in 2013.

(5) Varicella zoster virus (VZV)-human neuron interaction. Published on September 4, 2013.

The CBCD is a research center recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. The mission of the CBCD is to advance the research on the biology of chronic diseases, and to accelerate the discovery of treatments.

The CBCD published the “Purple” book by Dr. Hanan Polansky. The book presents Dr. Polansky’s highly acclaimed scientific theory on the relationship between foreign DNA and the onset of chronic diseases. Dr. Polansky’s book is available as a free download from the CBCD website.

Source: PRWeb

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