News | March 4, 2024

AMWA Backs Funding For USGS Streamgage Network

Last month, AMWA was one of 99 national and regional organizations to join a pair of letters sent to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leaders in support of strong FY25 funding for the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) streamgage monitoring network.

Managed within the USGS Groundwater and Streamflow Information Program, the streamgage network provides critical, life-saving information about continuous streamflow data from over 8,400 locations. The letters request maintaining level funding amounts for the USGS Cooperative Matching Funds and Next Generation Water Observing System programs ($68 M and $35M, respectively). They also request a $1M increase for Federal Priority Streamgages (to $33M) to maintain existing streamgage sites, cover inflation costs and install 30 new sites to close the streamflow gap in streamflow data where they are crucially needed.

“Without increased funding to maintain the current network of USGS streamgage sites, we are less equipped to make informed decisions pertaining to navigation, flood and hurricane risk predictions, drought determinations, and water supply forecasts,” the letter said. Streamgage data are crucial for use in decision making tools to provide critical life and property saving information. They augment research management decisions, maintain water dependent infrastructure, and provide essential public health and environmental condition information.”

While Congress is aiming to finalize its FY24 spending plan this month, work will soon begin on the FY25 budget. The Biden administration is similarly expected to send its FY25 budget proposal to Capitol Hill later this month.

Source: Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies