Article | May 7, 2024

Improving Water Infrastructure In The Digital Age

Source: Trimble
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International World Water Day is a great time to take a quick dive into the deep end of water infrastructure in the US and look at how water agencies across the country are overcoming challenges with a little help from technology.

We’ve all read or at least heard the dire warnings about aging infrastructure across all sectors from transportation to utilities, particularly water related assets. The American Water Works Association estimates $1 trillion—yes, trillion—is required to maintain and expand service to meet demands over the next 25 years.

It’s largely up to state and local agencies to get a handle on the necessary upgrades and improvements while establishing more cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally-friendly networks within the framework of existing program management practices.

It’s not easy. Often largely paper-based, highly bureaucratic and understaffed, many of these agencies already struggle with tracking and managing all the parts and pieces of projects without adding a large capital improvement program to the mix.

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