
Municipal Wastewater

Domestic Wastewater contains waste generated by people such as; urine, feces, laundry detergent, and kitchen waste. These wastes are normally carried to the sewer with anywhere from 60 to 150 gallons of water per person per day

Wastewater contains waste generated by people, industrial facilities, and stormwater runoff. Most wastewater contains bacteria, pollutants, and viruses that must be removed to help protect public health and the environment. As a result, biological and chemical treatment followed by disinfection is typically necessary. Influent or incoming quality of wastewater is constantly changing, but the effluent or outgoing quality has to meet the same stringent requirements to keep the receiving body of water safe and healthy.

Proven Wastewater Solutions


  • For the last 60 years, Hach, the leader in water quality analysis, has learned from our customers that close, continuous monitoring of your wastewater can not only help you meet regulations, but also lower your chemical and energy costs.


Our development engineers, service technicians, and technical support representatives are dedicated to water quality and providing the best solution for your unique wastewater monitoring needs.

Along with the most complete offering of lab and on-line monitoring solutions, we can also support your data management and maintenance needs.